Crisis Management
Unfortunately, expats are more often faced with critical incidents than in their home country (Violent motor accidents, street violence, political unrest, burglary, muggings, or witnesses of assassination, etc.)
Most often, they respond to such events with the necessary urgency. But an event may leave indelible, long-term traces that may affect them and their families on a personal and professional level. |
Experience shows that a person recovers much faster and more completely when: 1) Their organisation or place of work shows active concern with what has happened, 2) the crisis management team arrives 24 or 48 hours after the incident, 3) that this team has the tools specific to dealing with this type of crisis. This is what our team offers.
The management of a crisis is generally dealt within the host country itself (when multiple people from differing geographic backgrounds are affected, or are required to remain in the country). However, it can also take place upon the return into the country of origin. In the first scenario, the crisis management team will leave within a few hour of the event in question. Once on site, it will proceed according to four steps: 1) Assessment of the facts and people involved.
2) Group emotional debriefing of expats or nationals (depending on the nature of the incident). 3) Individual emotional debriefing based on individual needs. 4) Coaching sessions to quickly restart post-crisis operations.
In general between 2 and 5 days depending on the size of the team and the gravity of the incident.
The approach to crisis management is taken from the techniques used by humanitarian organisations throughout the world. These techniques continue to prove themselves effectively several times a year. They are based on methods of specific debriefings as well as tools borrowed from brief psychotherapy.
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