Objective Oriented Project Planning
Project cycle, logical framework, planning and monitoring
Project managers in internatinoal solidarity sector, INGO workers, public institutions or donors.
Group sizes : maximum 16.
By the end of the training, participants will be familiar with the concept of "logic of intervention", the related risks, objectives and results indicators. From this fondamental, they will be able to produce a planning of intervention that includes both scheduling of activities as well as a monitoring plan.
Day 1 : Project cycle, problem tree, logic of intervention, assumptions and risks.
Day 2 : Indicators and sources of verifications.
Day 3 : Establishment of the intervention plan, establishment of the monitoring plan, delegation of responsibilities. Reviewing participants’ original framework.
The objective of the programme will always be tied in with real case studies and complemented by the fresh ideas and the vision of the participants. The programme is primarily practical, as we believe the best learning comes from hands-on experience and being able to learn from initial shortcomings. Participants will also have to be quick on their feet, learning as they go from the expertise of other team members.
We find the best way to consolidate what is learned throughout the programme is through practical application. We therefore would usually recommend 2 hours of long-distance coaching sessions (over phone or Skype) with clients working on real projects. This allows participants to apply more directly their newly learned experience of logical framework to the field. This coaching can be done in the presence of the entire team, allowing for a broader and universal understanding and appropriation of the tools, methods of the project.
©Copyright Humani-Centre 2023
Tel: +33 (0)7-86-90-46-65 - cedric.roussel@humani-centre.com