
Humani Centre provides individuals, groups and organisations with the necessary skills and competences to get the most out of periods of transition. We cater to the needs of businesses, international organisations, administrative bodies and individuals (both professionally and personally)…

We apply our expertise based on the following five cornerstones:

- Diagnosis of systems,
- Collective search and implementation of solutions,
- Training,
- Team Coaching,
- Individual Coaching.

Our entire approach rests on two firm beliefs:

- True growth and development can only occur by embracing the status quo and seeking out ones own solutions, rather than through applying complicated and often impractical external theories.
- The best solutions almost always come from those who have an invested interest in the project; hence our focus on coaching and creativity.



©Copyright Humani-Centre 2023
Tel: +33 (0)7-86-90-46-65  -