Leadership: overseeing efficiency
Managers and team leaders; Human resource workers
Group sizes: minimum 7, maximum 14.
By the end of this programme, the participant will have developed his or her strategic thinking and leadership techniques: delegating tasks, evaluating and providing constructive criticism and feedback to the teams and individuals. The participant will have put into practice a more systematic and constructive approach and a more efficient management of human resources.
Two two-days modules and two additional individual coaching sessions.
Module 1
Day 1: Understanding the importance of efficiently managing skillsets. Underpinning the key skillsets for a particular task. – aligning personal interest with those of the organisation.
Day 2: Topic: The roles of the manages and different styles of leadership; The art of delegating.
First individual coaching session
Module 2
Day 3: The manager as both coach and mediator. Monitoring the development of skillsets and conflict intervention.
Day 4: Evaluating personal performance based on results.
Second individual coaching session
Coaching in English or French - 2 trainers.
Separate the course into independent modules: Manager and leadership, Recruitment and selection, evaluation, conflict mediation.
©Copyright Humani-Centre 2023
Tel: +33 (0)7-86-90-46-65 - cedric.roussel@humani-centre.com