Who we are...
At the head of Humani Cnetre, two founding members: Cedric ROUSELL and Laetitia de Schoutheete. They are supported by a network of specialists such as Patrick Robitaille. They also work with specialists in Human Relations, system organisation, technical training and project management…
Cédric ROUSSEL, is the founder of Humani Centre after 15 years of experience in emergency action and development (MSF, MDM, AFVP, France Libertés...), in West Africa, Central Africa, South America, Middle-East, South Asia ethe Eastern Europe. He held positions of responsibility in project logistics, then served as Country Director before turning his career towards assessment, training and individual and group coaching.
He relies on quality research, such as that promoted by Groupe URD (http://www.urd.org/) and the coaching tools for creativity and change developed by Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), transactional analysis (TA), Thiagi serious games and Ericksonian Hypnosis.
Patrick Robitaille is specialised in the management, follow-up and assessment of humanitarian projects. He spent 10 years both in the field of emergency intervention and working with international organisations in: Chad, Haiti, Congo and Pakistan. With a background in logistics, Patrick moved to project coordination in emergency intervention. He subsequently occupied a position of programmes manager and subsequently trainer and consultant. Patrick has an MA in Political Science as well as a BA in communication. He is a member of the board of MSF Canada, member of OCCAH (Observatoire Canadien des Crises et de l’Aide Humanitaire) and of Chaire Raoul Dandurand in Montreal. His experience, his training and his engagement give him the natural predisposition for his position as consultant and trainer.
Laetitia de SCHOUTHEETE is an ethno-psychologist specialised in the management of crisis or critical incidents. She draws from six years experience in Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe. As a trainer within multicultural groups, Laetitia is specialised in dealing with traumas (war, sexual trauma, psychological trauma). She worked with Médecins sand Frontières with the survivors of the Rwanda genocide as well as with victims of the Indonesian tsunami. She practices brief psychotherapy as developed in Palo Alto, California, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), Ericksonian hypnosis, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and TAT (Tapas Acupressure Technique). She takes on group speech training sessions for women and has an acute understanding of the dynamics of intercultural groups. |
Tel: +33 (0)7-86-90-46-65
37, chemin des prisonniers- 26400 Crest - France
©Copyright Humani-Centre 2023
Tel: +33 (0)7-86-90-46-65 - cedric.roussel@humani-centre.com